Volume #39: Urban Border — Out Now!
Jeroen Beekmans
Volume #39: Urban Border

The 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture in Shenzhen took ‘urban border’ as its theme. For good reason. If there is a place to study ‘border’ as condition, it is Shenzhen. Demographic, territorial, economic, political, social, and legal borders created this fifteen million city in less than thirty-five years, and drive its further development. The transformation of this ‘factory of the world’ into a post-industrial economy and society, the disappearance of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen divide in 2047, and the reconciliation of state capitalism and communist rule, are but three of the challenges Shenzhen is facing, to which its role and position in the larger-scale development of the Pearl River Delta can be added.

Mapping the Drones
Jeroen Beekmans

Earlier this month, Forensic Architecture, SITU Research, and Ben Emmerson (United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter Terrorism and Human Rights) launched a web platform that maps out civilian casualties from drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Iraq, as well as Israeli strikes in Gaza.

The Good Cause: On Show Until June 1st at Stroom The Hague
Jeroen Beekmans

Two weeks ago, on March 8, we celebrated the opening of The Good Cause exhibition at architecture institute Stroom in The Hague. The exhibit, that will be on show until June 1st, addresses the military, political and cultural complexity of rebuilding operations. Can architecture actively contribute to this area of tension?

Let’s talk about law and faith. The law requires a certain faith – faith that it will perform in our collective best interest. Last year in particular, it was easy to lose that faith. Several high-profile cases brought to light incongruities in our judicial systems that unduly exonerated some, while persecuting others. Take the case of Wall Street. Following the 2008 crash, the US government put together its best legal team to root out what went wrong and who were the culprits. In a case where rapacious greed and gross misconduct were clearly at play, the government failed to prosecute a single major banker. Or look to the cold-blooded murder of Trayvon Martin by neighborhood vigilante George Zimmerman. Using Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law, lawyers were able to justify the racially-charged murder of a defenseless boy. Then there’s Guantanamo Bay, a prison run by the ‘most democratic nation’ in the world, still holding people stripped of their rights. All of this is technically legal.

Volume #38 Preview
Jeroen Beekmans
Volume #38: The Shape of Law

On January 31st we launched Volume's 38th issue - The Shape of Law - with a special event at Post Office in Rotterdam. For those who haven't seen the issue yet but can't wait to get their hands on it, here's a little preview!

Shenzhen Biennale: A Photo Report
Arjen Oosterman

Last December, Volume's editorial team spent three weeks in Shenzhen for the occasion of the Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture. The outcome of our stay in China will be a Shenzhen-themed issue that will be launched soon. To get you in the mood we've prepared this little photo report.

Bracket Calls for Submissions
Jeroen Beekmans

Architecture, environment and digital culture magazine Bracket asks: What are the collective projects in the public realm to act on? How have recent design projects incited political or social action? How can design catalyze a public, as well as forums for that public to act? What is the role of spatial practice to instigate or resist public actions?

Volume #38: Out Now!
Jeroen Beekmans
Volume #38: The Shape of Law

For all of you who aren't able to attend the Volume #38 launch event tonight at Post Office Rotterdam and who cannot wait until it reaches your bookstore and who -strangely enough - are no subscriber yet, you can order the issue here!

How Do You Do Biodesign
Jeroen Beekmans

How Do You Do Biodesign is an evening for architects, urban designers, product designers, fashion designers, artists and developers of digital technology and media, which will illuminate exactly what biodesign can mean for the field of work and research. How Do You Do Biodesign is co-produced by Het Nieuwe Instituut and the Willem de Kooning Academie.