Futures Implied

May 2021
When brought into the city, no technology is a neutral enabler, a mere decoration, or even a marketplace of supply & demand. Urban technologies are built upon spoken and unspoken assumptions about urban life, each with peculiar implications for social relations and the natural ecosystem. It is time for the discipline of media architecture to get under its own skin, and address the implied futures of new technologies.

Máté Hulesch, Peripheral Visions, Claudio Paolucci, Toyo Ito, Rory Hyde, Benjamin Bratton, Marko Bauer, Shuang Lu Frost, Dark Matter Labs, Ben Cerveny, Cameron Tonkinwise, Marília Pasculli, (ab)Normal, Andrea Polli, Mila Bolt, Marcus Foth, Rachel Armstrong, Roy Bendor


VOLUME 59: Futures Implied
Designed by Irma Boom Office (Irma Boom, Jan van der Kleijn)
72 pages, 33 x 24 cm
Soft cover

Supplement: Civic Design Education
A collaborative of the Digital Design master program of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Archis
48 pages
Design: Federica Bardelli

ISSN 1574-9401
ISBN 9789077966693


Francesco Degl'Innocenti
Editorial: Skin Deep
Martijn de Waal C.S.
Editorial: Media Architecture and its Futures Implied
Máté Hulesch with Peripheral Visions
Control Panel
Claudio Paolucci
Participation Immunity
Toyo Ito
Tarzans in the Media Forest
Rory Hide
Tarzan's Adulthood
Benjamin Bratton
Terraforming the World Order
Shuang Lu Frost
Man-made Intelligence in China
Dark Matter Labs
Artificial Civic Intelligence
Ben Cerveny
Digital Cultural Public Infrastructure
Cameron Tonkinwise
Design in Transition
Marília Pasculli
When the Walls get Voices
Googlebourg Hacking Sovereignty
Anatomy of a Delivery
Andrea Polli
Ephemeral Matters
Mila Bolt
The Content of a Light Bulb
Marcus Foth
Relational Thinking in Media Architecture
Rachel Armstrong
Virus are us
Roy Bendor
Against Future Proofing