Yes Naturally!
Jeroen Beekmans

Ja Natuurlijk (Yes Naturally) is an international art manifestation that will take place at GEM, Fotomuseum and Gemeentemuseum in The Hague from March 15 till August 18, 2013. The central question that will be addressed is: What is natural? And who or what defines that, actually? Are we humans the only ones who decide this, or do plans, animals, bacteria, things and natural forces also ‘get a say’?

Hypnotizing GIFs of Beijing Commuters Give Insight into City’s Stories
Daniel Rotsztain

Filmmaker Kit Chung has created a series of fascinating and hypnotic GIFs that are intimate portraits of Beijing metro passengers.

Daniel Rotsztain

WeOwnTheCity is an exhibition and symposium being held in Hong Kong by The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with Amsterdam-based CITIES and ARCAM. WeOwnTheCity will showcase examples of community planning from both Amsterdam and Hong Kong, investigating emergent urban development and community planning initiatives in both cities. In the spirit of autonomy and self-determination, the WeOwnTheCity symposium on March 7th is open to the public: those who truly “own the city” by negotiating and interacting with it on a daily basis. The symposium anticipates positive and energetic discussions, debates and workshops that will facilitate the exchange of ideas between government officials, professionals and the general public on community planning and urbanism.

Futuristic Mega-Cities and Sleepless Wonderlands
Jeroen Beekmans

Chinese artist Yang Yongliang recently released a new project that will be on view at Galerie Paris-Beijing from from March 14th to April 27th. The impressive collages aim to represent the potentially devastating effects of uncontrolled urbanization and industrialization.

New York Biotopes
Jeroen Beekmans

Artist Lena Steinkhüler's bachelor graduation project at the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund explores abstract plants and creatures which change their forms because of insufficient living space, and adapt themselves to the surroundings of the metropolis New York City.

ENERGY. Oil and Post-Oil Architecture and Grids
Jeroen Beekmans

'ENERGY. Oil and Post-Oil Architecture and Grids' is an exhibition that will be on display at MAXXI Architecture in Rome between March 22 and September 29, 2013. Curated by Pippo Ciorra, the exhibition features more than 80 drawings and projects, 3 photographers and 7 international architects that focus on the relationship between architecture and energy.

A City of Continuously Regenerating Cells
Daniel Rotsztain

The Cycle of Japan is an ongoing lecture series at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam that is exploring what the Netherlands can learn from Japanese urban practice. Edwin Gardner kicked off the series with a talk on February 14th. His lecture was a deeply poetic and psychogeographic meditation on the nature of cyclical time in Tokyo, and its effect on the city’s built environment. Edwin Gardner is a theorist, architect and cofounder of Monnik, a Dutch research collective. He was in Tokyo to put together Still City, an alternative guide to the city. There, he met and did workshops with various artists, designers, and other urban explorers during a mentally stimulating and physically exhausting two-month stay.

The days when the 'Internet of Things' will no longer be a vision but a daily experience seem to be approaching faster and faster. In Volume’s issue #28, back in 2011, we have featured interviews, visions and envisions of how the IoT world would be like. The interaction between objects through their connection to the same information network allows the systematic programming and adaption of functions without the human interference. This concept has also been adopted in the field of transportations. European Commission, through a specific council and initiatives, has been funding a series of research programmes related to IoT. Some of those focus on the use of IoT in order to make European transportation systems more efficient and of course safer.

The Cycle of Japan Lecture Series
Jeroen Beekmans

The Cycle of Japan is a new lecture series at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam, that focuses on what the Netherlands can learn from Japanese urban practice. Edwin Gardner will kick off the series with a talk on 14 February. In the last decades development in the Netherlands is often equated to a linear process of more buildings, more cities and more square meters per person. With the recent economic crisis, this expansion mechanism has come to an abrupt halt. Due to the economic crisis of the 90s and an aging population Japan has long been engaged in a cyclical construction where growth and shrinkage are not opposites and where progress is sought in change, metamorphosis and and small amount of available space for housing. The central question in this Capita Selecta lecture series is: what can we learn from the Japanese condition in the Netherlands?

Launch of Volume #34 at Athenaeum Amsterdam
Jeroen Beekmans
Volume #34: City in a Box

With Volume #34 we present the latest in New Town development: the city as enterprise. On Friday January 11th we launched the new issue at Athenaeum in Amsterdam. Click here for a photo series that was published on Facebook.

Crisis Busting
Brendan Cormier

Our friends over at the Third Lisbon Architecture Triennale Close, Closer have put together a small grant program for architects to propose start-up civic projects in the city of Lisbon. Aptly titled Crisis Buster the program is close to our hearts, in offering opportunities for civic engagement and unsolicited urban interventions. Deadline for applications is February 18th 2013.