VOLUME 66: The guide to designing with animals, plants and other critters compiles a glossary that collects knowledge about plants, animals, and their entanglement with climatic and bio-systemic urgencies for architects and designers. From looking at individual species to a more complex understanding of interspecies collaboration and ecosystemic connections, it explores and defines alternative ways of spatializing our relationship with nature. It provides the necessary tools to further accelerate a departure from our homocentric design naiveties towards something that begins to celebrate the richness and complexity nature provides.
Order your copy of VOLUME 66 here.
The glossary is organized both by species and entries that emphasize the interconnectedness between them and us. The 60 glossary entries include explorations of the spatial needs strategies and habits of beavers, cows, chickens, horses, termites, penguins, flowers, ducks, eel, mold, mycorrhizal fungi, seagulls, beans, tomatoes, leafcutter ants and many others. It includes interviews with designers, animal ethics experts, and prominent farmers, as well as detailed reports from realized recent projects, and inspiring historical examples taken from earlier design research into animal and plant life.
Contributors include: Chanelle Adams, AMO, Ruth Baumeister, Irma Boom Office, Francesco Degl’Innocenti, Animali Domestici, CENTRALA (Simone De Iacobis, Małgorzata Kuciewicz), Cooking Sections, Eeestudio (Enrique Espinosa), Sarah Fitterer, Martijn de Geus, Fritz Haeg, Mike Hansell, Ivan Henriques, Dirk van den Heuvel, Marieke van den Heuvel, Kathy High, Husos, Aleksandra Kędziorek, Jack Kranes, Diederik de Koning, Alexandre Langlois, Martijn van Loon, Christina May, María Mazzanti, Valeria Meiller, Alexandra Midal, Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, Manuel Orazi, Alberto Ortega, Barney Pau, Stephan Petermann, Bika Rebek, Oscar Salguero, Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi, SKROZ, Jonathan Steiger, TAKK (Mireia Luzárraga and Alejandro Muiño), Peter Veenstra, Juri Velt, Mareike Vennen, Lys Villalba, Noam Youngrak Son, Feifei Zhou.