A host of international experts from the world of justice, design, activism, conflict management, and politics will discuss how justice and design can either contain or ignite conflict situations. One of the important questions to address is: who’s law are we applying?
Francesco Sebregondi has been part of the Forensic Architecture Research group at the Goldsmith University in London since its start in 2011. With the experience of these various research projects he will address the complex but highly relevant relation between spatial research and ‘evidence’, politics and justice. Next to this he will focus on his own research on the use of white phosphorus munitions in urban environments.
Mark Kersten is founder of the ‘Justice in Conflict’ blog. On his blog he challenges the difficult relationship between justice and peace. He PhD research focuses on the implications and effects of the International Criminal Court’s investigations on peace processes and negotiations in Libya, Darfur, and northern Uganda.
Apart from these two keynote speakers, several experts will share there experiences and by the end of the afternoon we hope to have brought the agenda for an Architecture of Peace one step further.
Entrance to the conference is free. Please register at rsvp@archis.org mentioning mini-conference AoP.