In a secret location tucked away in Belgium, the latest issue of Volume, ‘Everything Under Control’, is currently being printed. To celebrate its release we’ll be throwing a launch event. Join us at Hotel Droog in Amsterdam on April 3rd from 19:30 onwards to catch a debate with Volume contributor and Next Nature founder, Koert van Mensvoort, followed by a short announcement of the new issue by editor-in-chief, Arjen Oosterman. Copies of the issues will be on sale, and various contributors will be present.
This event is in conjunction with Hotel Droog’s Free Zone series where a selected number of fearless speakers stand up and share their most annoying irritation to those willing to listen and react. In this session Koert van Mensvoort will be asking the fundamental question: ‘What is Nature, really?’
When: Wednesday April 3rd, 2013
Where: Hotel Droog, Staalstraat 7, Amsterdam
Free Entrance
For more, go here.