Home-Sense: Dwelling and the Internet of Things

One-day conference on Friday 9 December 2011, 9-18 h. at V2, the Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam. With Rob van Kranenburg, Martin Pot, Ben van Lier and others. Registration: students €15, professionals €35. Click here for more information.

On December 9, 2009, the first Council-conference was held in Brussels. A wide variety of researchers, artists, IT-professionals, architects etc. gathered to discuss questions and answers concerning the Internet of Things. Part of this debate was focused on sub-themes, one of those was ‘Home-Sense’: what are the consequences, implications, questions for our home-environment in relation to the IoT? On April 9th, the world-wide IoT-day, this discussion was continued in Rotterdam on a smaller scale: now, 2 years later, it is time to gather the developments and focus once again on the issues involved. This conference intends to do that by bringing together a variety of professionals and researchers throughout the various disciplines, present/discuss the current status and try to articulate elements that will contribute to the actual, still developing issues of home vs. technology. The morning session will handle the background, architecture, technology; after lunch the emphasis will be on experience, privacy, spheres.

Click here to buy Volume #28, the Internet of Things issue!

Failed Architecture #6: Concrete Failures