Desparate Decadence

Cities arise because of people’s basic need to live and work nearone another. The city offers freedom, anonymity, trade, economy of scale, an immediately accessible consumers’ market, work potential – a swarming brew of ideas and innovation that fulfill man’s social, psychological, and economic needs. The city is the motor of progress. So it was and so it seems still to be. The growth of the city – the enormous and never-ending expansion of urbanization, continues to be understood in terms of modernity: people want better lives, and they seek their luck in the city. For true wealth, you also still need to be in the city: in penthouses, high above the dirty streets, but still close to the director’s offices, the conference rooms, the lounge bars, the skyboxes, the restaurants, and all the other locations imperative to the art of networking.Hence the city can be understood by its incredible density of people, ideas, and interactions. And through its architecture. We have come to take for granted that those locations with large congregations of architecture must be cities.

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The Power of Architecture, Part II (Editorial)