Construction in war zones raises a number of issues, especially about the rebuilding of social relationships by providing activities and places that can stimulate community growth. In 2001 Maria Grazia Cutuli, a prominent Italian journalist, was murdered by a group of gunmen in Afghanistan. After ten years, the Foundation named after her, decided to build a ‘sign of peace’, a school as an innovative educational space as an alternative to those models related to the afterwar reconstruction emergencies.
Authors: Gianfranco Bombaci, Matteo Costanzo ( 2A+P/A)Carmelo Baglivo, Luca Galofaro, Stefania Manna (IaN+)Massimo Ciuffini, Ketty Di Tardo, Alberto Iacovoni, Luca La Torre (ma0/emmeazero)
Location: Kush Rod, Injil district, Herat, Afghanistan
Project partners: Colour Fabric San Marco Venice, ANCE Catania (National Association of Builders), Studio Croci Associati, Fondazione Maria Grazia Cutuli
Realized: 2010-2011
Factors for success: Communality, Skills, Sustainability, Safety